‘It’s Quite Sad That Non-Africans Value African Digital Artists More’ Renike Olusanya’s First Draft

Visual artist and book cover illustrator, Renike Olusanya, believes African digital artists are undervalued: ‘If I could change anything about the African art industry, it would be how digital artists are treated. They are often exempted from art activities and undervalued. It’s quite sad that non-Africans value African digital artists more than their own people do.’

First Draft is our interview column, featuring authors and other prominent figures on books, reading, and writing.

Our questions are italicized.

What books or kinds of books did you read growing up?

Growing up, I wasn’t an avid reader. I read lots of comics and storybooks because I was more of a visual person. I loved observing colours and expressions. At some point, I started reading young adult novels (mostly romcoms). As a teenager, I got into reading thrillers, thanks to my dad. One night he gave me a John Grisham novel and I read over 500 pages in two days, all at night because it was so good...



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