Deadline: 12 July 2017
The Republic is now accepting submissions for its August/September 2017 issue, in which scholars and experts will critically discuss the impacts on individuals, businesses and economic sectors, of recent trends in the Nigerian economy.
We expect each essay to elaborate on key issues relevant to Nigeria’s current “Made in Nigeria” drive, identifying challenges and potential opportunities. In light of this, we are especially interested in insightful thoughts on:
⎈ Human Capital and the Nigerian Labour Market
⎈ Nigeria Post-Oil: Diversification, Competitiveness and Comparative Advantage;
⎈ Making SMEs the Growth Engine of the Economy;
⎈ The Nigerian Digital Economy
⎈ The CBN and the Nigerian Economy: Independence, Price Stability and Quasi-Fiscal Interventions; and
⎈ Buying Nigerian to Grow the Naira (Can we really strengthen the Naira through domestic consumption?)
… particularly in the context of what has been a historical economic underperformance.
We are looking for rich, analytical essays on these topics that can serve as an authoritative/definitive guide to both scholars and professionals who may have limited knowledge on the country’s affairs, without sacrificing academic rigour. Such essays will provide some background into the subject area, setting historical and contemporary context where necessary. Essays will also outline the leading debates on the subject matter (where available), and provide distinct views. Finally, essays in this issue must conclude with recommendations for the government and/or key decision-makers, and provide an outlook.
Overall, we expect submissions ranging between 1,500 words (minimum) and 6,000 words (maximum). The deadline for Submissions is Wednesday 12 July, 2017.
Please send all submissions as MS-Word documents to
* * *This issue will be guest-edited by Segun Zack, an experienced strategy consultant and a doctoral researcher at the Wits Business School in South Africa.