The United States of Nigeria How Feasible Is Restructuring in the Aftermath of Recent Constitutional Amendments?

A major thrust of the 2023 election cycle has been the conversation about restructuring and state-central relations. The recent constitutional amendment process, however, has raised questions on how effective such a proposal will be. 

During election cycles in Nigeria, the citizenry is further reminded of how divided the nation truly is. These instigations, usually along the same fault lines—ethnicity and religion, often interact to deliver devastating effects during campaigns and in cases of post-election violence.  For instance, Nasir El-Rufai’s interview on 02 February where he discussed ‘Christian enclaves’ in the north and small populations in the south.

These experiences often inform discussions when citizens agitate for restructuring. However, one area of division that has not received the right level of attention and consideration that it warrants is the country’s sub-national units...


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