Is AI for Better or for Worse? The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Women’s Jobs in Africa

As the world embraces the transformative power of artificial intelligence, concerns about its potential impact on employment, particularly for women, have gained prominence. Drawing insights from developed countries by examining the trends, opportunities, and actions (policies) the impact of AI on women’s jobs or employment in Africa can be assessed.

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has ushered in a new era of technological advancements with the potential to change the landscape of the global job market. While the application of AI promises increased efficiency and innovation, it has come with concerns about its impact on employment. The fear is that AI will take over jobs because it is able to do what man can do. And true to this prediction, to an extent, this is happening. In Bavaria Germany, in 2023, there was the report of AI leading service in a church and preaching instead of a pastor. This fear of job loss is general but it is particularly so for vulnerable groups such as women.  

AI will have its advantages and disadvantages. Research shows that there will be creation of new jobs which is positive. However, there are concerns that AI will lead to job loss as well as job displacement. The fear which is equality or gender-related is that women will probably be more affected by job loss or displacement than men. This is because there are more women in the customer service, food service, social service or community service sector, areas that are predicted to be affected by the growth of AI. Despite the prediction that AI will create new jobs, few women will benefit due to the number of women in STEM. The assumption is based on the type of jobs that have been affected by the deployment of AI in developed countries...


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