A New Global Struggle? The Long-Term Implications of the War in Ukraine for Africa

The determination of Western countries to reduce their dependence on Russia for energy supplies, presents long-term opportunities for African countries, especially the major energy exporters, such as Algeria, Angola and Nigeria.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 sent shockwaves around the world. The repercussions of the conflict continue to reverberate. For Africa, the repercussions are evolving in roughly three phases. The first was the African-related ‘humanitarian’ phase, when the concerns focused on the safety of African students studying in Ukraine and the disruptions to their studies, as well as how they were being treated as they fled the conflict. Apprehensions regarding the safety of African and other students of colour grew after reports emerged that they were being prevented from boarding trains leaving Ukraine and, on arrival in some of Ukraine’s borders, were being mistreated. While the African Union decried the treatment of Africans fleeing Ukraine amidst the crisis, some members of the US Black Congressional Caucus urged humane and non-discriminatory treatment for all people of colour.


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