A New Era of African Beauty

African beauty

A New Era of African Beauty

How technology is reshaping the African beauty industry.

Africa holds a significant position in the world of beauty and technology. The region has equally played a pioneering role in the history of both beauty and technology. The earliest use of cosmetics can be traced back to Africa, specifically Egypt. Exfoliation, cleansing, and moisturizing were practices held in high esteem by ancient Egyptians dating back to Cleopatra’s era, (from 69BC to 30BC). The application of modern makeup staples was first commonly found as part of Egyptian life including the use of black antimony-based paint as eyeliners. As for technology generally, Africa has the world’s oldest record of human technological achievement, such as metallurgy. Yet, it seems that over the centuries, the pace of Africa’s technological advancement has slowed in certain aspects compared to the developed world; one specific area being the African beauty industry. However, it would be wrong to make such a conclusion. In fact, there are two words that can be accurately used to describe the African beauty industry today: growth and malleability...


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