Call for Submissions – Vol. 1, No. 3 The Future of Migration

Deadline: 12 May 2017

The Republic is now accepting submissions for its June/July 2017 issue, in which scholars and experts will critically discuss recent trends in global migration, with focus on migration to Europe from Africa, migration across Africa, the rise of populism and the evolution of national borders.

We expect each essay to elaborate on key issues relevant to the movement of people across borders both in modern and historical times. In light of this, we are especially interested in insightful thoughts on the European Migrant Crisis, Brexit, the African Union’s continental passport, and US Immigration Policy under President Trump, particularly, in the context of the rise of populism among global superpowers.

We are looking for analytical and engaging essays, lectures, speeches and book reviews that, without sacrificing academic rigour, can serve as authoritative/definitive subject-matter guides to both scholars and professionals that may have limited knowledge on global affairs.

Overall, we expect submissions ranging between 1,500 words (minimum) and 6,000 words (maximum) and hope to receive first drafts by Friday 12 May, 2017.

Please send all submissions as MS-Word documents to

* * *This issue will feature an essay by previous Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Dr. Carlos Lopes