Why Is Everyone Talking About the 2021 Electoral Amendment Act? RxNews 20 December 2021

Nigeria’s elections are expensive and inefficient. A new electoral amendment act proposes possible improvements, its deadline passed yesterday and there’s no indication it has been signed.

For the last 30 days, (19 November 2021 till date), the National Assembly of Nigeria (NASS) has been anxiously waiting for President Muhammadu Buhari to sign the Electoral Amendment Act of 2021 into law. There has been growing tension in the political atmosphere as the deadline (19 December) for signing the act has now passed. The National Assembly must now debate whether Buhari's input on the act should be overridden or not. But, with the next presidential election scheduled for 2023, what exactly is the Electoral Amendment Act and why should Nigerians be concerned about it?...


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