Mind Makers Four Authors on the Books that Changed Their Minds

What does it mean when a book changes your mind? 

The first book I can remember reading was a collection of short stories for children. The book was a gift from my father. I read that book a lot—and this is quite evident because while I still have my copy of the book, its cover page is now faded. Though I cannot remember the author or title of the book, the book has stayed with me for one major reason: in the book is a standout story that highlighted the importance of rest 

Simple as it might seem, the book featured a short story about a boy who loved to play with his friends. One thing was constant about him: after every football game (or whichever type of game he played with his friends at home or at school), he always returned home to rest and sleep. Often, my parents used the fact that they saw me read this story countless times, to lure me back home from my usual outings with my childhood friends. It was in that stage of my life that I got familiar with the concept of rest, sleep, and relaxation after doing too much...



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