Are Indie Creators the Future of Talk Shows in Nigeria?
Talk shows in Nigeria have undergone a revolution with the rise of indie creators who have adopted confessional-style videos and personality interviews.
‘I invented Chimamanda. It happened shortly before my first novel was published,’ Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie told presenter and host, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu, in 2021, during a ‘BlackBox’ interview. According to Adichie, ‘It was really about me thinking how can I hold onto this [confirmation] name (Amanda) and make it Igbo.’
I was just as surprised as Obi-Uchendu by this revelation when I watched this interview. You see, I had always wondered about the uniqueness of Adichie’s name from the moment I picked up Purple Hibiscus. While noting the stark difference between Aunty Ifeoma’s home and Papa's house, I’d find my mind wandering, trying to pronounce ‘Chimamanda’ to get it right when recommending the book to friends.
Eighteen years after her debut novel, Adichie disclosed this information about her name in an interview that focused on the human behind the craft. Human interest stories garner a lot of attention because everyone likes to feel connected. However, in Nigeria, many press junkets that notable personalities engage in are for public relations. They could be promoting their music, upcoming books, movies or projects.
But what happens when a talk show host seeks to connect to the person behind the brilliance, glamour, and charm of their career? Do we get interesting discoveries like the one above?