Culture & Society

Chioma Okereke

‘I Never Intended to Write a Novel’ Chioma Okereke’s First Draft

Nigerian writer and author of Water Baby, Chioma Okereke, is excited to see more Nigerian writers branching out beyond literary fiction: ‘More writers are emerging in genres like historical fiction, romance, science fiction, and beyond. It is encouraging, after so much pigeonholing, that we are finally witnessing more breakthroughs in other genres, which is hopefully inspiring new authors.’
Tobi Eyinade

‘Africans Do Read’ Tobi Eyinade’s First Draft  

Co-founder of Rovingheights Bookstore, Tobi Eyinade, disagrees with the belief that Africans do not read: ‘Rovingheights would not be here after nine years if that sentiment holds true. People often say Africans don’t read, yet we have managed to build a thriving book business despite the daunting challenges. Africans do read. While the numbers may not match those of other continents, we have come a long way.’
With Difficulty Comes Ease

Not Just Another Woman’s Story

In her film, With Difficulty Comes Ease, Korede Azeez captures, with illuminating patience, the story of Nigerian women. She tells the story of women living under constant scrutiny, where their every action or inaction is subject to critical and often unjust judgment.