
African Union

The Three Horsemen of the African Union Can the AU Chart a New Path after 60 years?

The African Union is a critical institution that represents the interests of Africans on the global stage. Originally the Organization of African Unity, the institution was a beacon of African progress through the sixties amidst independence struggles but unfortunately, it also faced many structural challenges that affected its effectiveness as an instrument of African unity.
African Union

The African Union’s Most Elusive Dream Sudan, Somalia and the AU’s Unending Challenge of Internal Wars

The transformation from the OAU to the AU meant accepting that the challenges Africa faced had changed from those faced during the decolonization era. Among the new challenges, the most perverse were internal wars. The AU attempted to invest heavily in mechanisms that would ‘silence the guns’ on the continent. In Sudan and Somalia, it seems that silencing the guns has remained an elusive dream.
African Union

The African Union and the Multipolar World Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World

The global rise of China in the post-2000 era and the strengthening of other regional hegemons has seen Africa being courted by various powers for alignment and realignment. Since the birth of the continental body, the African Union has struggled to develop into a formidable union in the form of the European Union or a strong sub-continent economy like India and China.